Forest Creek Wellness

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Fun Facts: Cashews

Fun fact for today: Did you know that cashews are a seed? I learned in church today that they grow off the cashew apple from an evergreen tree in tropical climates and are a relative of the mango family. The shell of the cashew is very toxic and must be roasted prior to removal of the seed. Cashews are 21% vegetable protein and 47% fat, 82% of which is unsaturated. They are said to be good for heart health and can help lower cholesterol. The cashew apple is often used in tropical juices.

Cashews are also very filling and make a great replacement for that creamy feeling in soups and gravies. Try a reasonable handful as a before bed snack to stabilize blood sugar throughout the night. But be careful not to go too overboard because they are quite calorie dense.

Anyway, I eat these ALL the time, almost daily in fact, and I had no idea where they came from nor even thought to look. I enjoy discovering more about the food I eat and where it comes from. See, you can learn about more than God when you go to church :)