Forest Creek Wellness

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What is Kefir?

Kefir is a cultured milk beverage, containing probiotics that clean and strengthen the intestines. It is thick in texture, similar to a drinkable yogurt, with a tart taste. Although it is often compared to yogurt, it is one of the most potent sources of probiotics, far surpassing yogurt, and those probiotics are able to colonize the gut.

What is Kefir good for?

In addition to probiotics, Kefir is an excellent source of:

  • Calcium - important for bone health

  • Tryptophan - an amino acid that produces a relaxing effect

  • Proteins - a necessary building block for every tissue in the body

  • B Vitamins - good for energy and stress relief

  • Kefiran - which may reduce cholesterol, allergies, inflammation and boost the immune system,

  • Phosphorus - which helps our body utilize carbohydrates, fats and proteins for cell growth

  • Magnesium - which has numerous benefits including heart function, blood sugar balance + mood

  • Vitamin K2 - a product of fermentation and sorely lacking in the American diet, necessary for calcium metabolism.

Kefir has also demonstrated antifungal and antibacterial properties and assists in detox by binding to and killing mutagens and fungus.

How do you make Kefir?

Kefir is made with either kefir grain, which looks like cauliflower, or a starter culture. The grains are not a grain as in wheat but rather a delicate balance of bacteria and yeast able to transform milk into a superfood in 24-48 hours. These cultures will “predigest” the proteins in milk producing a drink tolerable for those who are sensitive to lactose.

Making kefir is easy, all you do is place your grains or starter in a jar with milk. Using raw dairy is ideal, cover with a cloth and store in a cool dark place for 24-48 hours allowing it to ferment. Strain and then flavor if desired. The leftover grains can be used to make more kefir.

If you opt to purchase kefir, make sure it does not have a lot of added sugar as many commercial products do. If you are not a fan of the taste of regular kefir or prefer a vegan lifestyle you can also try water kefir which has many of the same benefits but is milder in flavor.

Delish kefir smoothie

Some people aren’t the biggest fan of the kefir flavour (guilty!). To get the amazing health benefits without the fermented taste I make kefir smoothies. Here’s my fave:


  • 1 cup raw milk kefir (or store bought)

  • 1 cup frozen blueberries (or other fruit)

  • 1 cup raw spinach

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • 1 tsp flax seeds

  • pinch of cinnamon

  • ice if thicker consistency is desired

Add all ingredients to blender, blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Serves 2
