10 Ways to Gently Detox in the New Year

Now that it is a new year my newsfeeds are rife with fitness and diet resolutions, and quite a few anti detox articles as well. I personally do not think that the new year is a time to incorporate major detoxes and crash diets, setting yourself up for failure. Research shows us that it is the small changes over time that are sustainable and really make the true differences to our health in the long run. Besides, who really wants to start a new daily fitness routine in the middle of winter?

However New Year certainly is a great time to start fresh and incorporate some new healthy habits that will actually stick. Here are my top 10 ways to incorporate more healthy mindful eating and detox into your new year for better health:

Ten Healthy Habits:

1.) Drink more water, preferably fluoride free. Hydration is important and water is the single best way to cleanse your system. Replace sodas and sugary drinks with more water.

2.) Cut out the processed junk food! Reach for a piece of fruit, plain yogurt, veggies and dip, or dried fruit and nuts instead of chips and candy. Cook meals that do not come from a box. Carefully consider how processed some "health" foods can be. Most times gluten is replaced with sugar and msg in boxed gluten-free foods. Also, take a look at your beauty products and feed your skin simple nourishing ingredients instead of a chemical cocktail.

3.) Incorporate fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt and kefir. Fermented foods are full of natural probiotics and are healing to your gut. And these days all our guts could use a little healing and sealing.

4.) Make your own chicken or bone broth and use it for cooking or snack on it. Broth is healing to your gut and filling as well. The gelatin is soothing to your GI system. Choose grass fed and organic meats whenever possible.

5.) Stop eating sugar!!! and foods that quickly turn to sugar once consumed. Sugar, and even most artificial sweeteners, are addicting and extremely damaging to your system causing a cascade of negative health issues and all sorts of cravings. Strive to even out sugar spikes in your system. Fuel your body throughout the day and get off the insulin roller coaster.

6.) Incorporate more veggies. Eat salads, smoothies, juice your veggies. For dinner have the veggies be your largest portion. Strive to add as many veggies to your days as you are able. When cooked right veggies are amazing and you do not have to suffer through them. Some real butter makes everything taste better 

7.) Incorporate detoxing herbs, teas or essential oils into your daily routine. Try turmeric, milk thistle, clay, DE and/or magnesium. Be safe and knowledgeable about what you include in your diet, research it, you have a multitude of resources at your fingertips 

8.) Incorporate a high-quality fish oil into your daily supplement routine. Fish oil can help with depression, curb inflammation and will support healthy bones, joints and teeth. Do NOT just grab the least expensive brand out there and expect good results. Go for quality. Better yet just eat wild caught fatty fish.

9.) Start exercising, even if it is just a few minutes a day. Start small. Just start. Do not come with an elaborate plan that deprives you of sleep and sets you up for failure. And find a partner. Accountability will take you a long way!

10.) Breath deep and have some gratitude. Stress is terrible for your health. Take some time away, even just 5 minutes, to really breath deep and mindfully. Meditate and be thankful for what you have.

Incorporating these lifestyle habits over time will truly make big impacts on your health. This list is designed to be easily achievable. Set your intention to be a healthy new you this year and work them one at a time, spending a couple weeks on each.

What would you add to this list? What are your goals for this new year?


But Healthy food is too expensive!


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