
Peppermint Essential Oil

I have been using this little gem for about 5 years now for sore muscles. Recently, a friend suggested it to me for cramping. Well, I tried it for the first time last night after some INTENSE cramping and, oh my word (!), it is A -mazing! I experienced almost instant relief.

Peppermint (Mentha Pipertita) is a cross between water mint and spearmint and is native to Europe but thrives in both Europe and North America. Peppermint's long history gives it the prestigious title of "World's Oldest Medicine".

Other great uses for peppermint oil include:

  • It can be a digestive aid. It is antispasmotic, helping relax the muscles of the GI tract, and it is carminative, meaning it helps rid excess gas.

  • It helps with motion sickness and nausea

  • Eliminates bad breath

  • Anti fungal

  • It is an expectorant and decongestant. When rubbed on the chest like a vapor rub it will provide instantaneous, although temporary, relief. Dilute for this purpose

  • Can boost immunity and helps other oils to be absorbed more effectively

  • Has been shown to increase blood circulation

  • Repels mice, spider, ants and lice

  • Cooling sensation relieves itching

  • May inhibit histamine release which helps to fight allergy symptoms

  • Relieves pain and inflammation. Excellent for soothing sore muscles and headaches

This is only a small selection of uses for peppermint oil. In my opinion it should be a part of any natural health arsenal due to its many and varied uses



Acute Immune Support